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Courses @ TxState

I grew up (i.e. suffered ;p) in a teacher's family, for my parent, and my grandfather are all teachers in their whole lives. I never envision myself being a teacher one day, in fact, the least I thought about my career was being a teacher. However, my interest in doing research drives me into pursuing a career in academia and thank God that it opens up my horizon in teaching at a university setting. My pedagogical philosophy is to empower my students with problem solving skills and spatial analytical techniques. After several years in academia, I found that teaching is rewarding (and sometimes fun too if I got over the class prep). I enjoyed the students who brought interaction to the class, and I think I learn more in the process of teaching.

GEO 2426   Fundamentals of GIS

GEO 3333   Geography of East Asia

GEO 3426   Advanced GIS

GEO 4310/5308   Regional Field Studies

GEO 4420   GeoProgramming

GEO 4422/5408   Web Mapping

GEO 5301   Multivariate Quantitative Methods

GEO 5418/7417   GIS I

GEO 5419   GIS II

GEO 7318   GIS & Environmental Geography

GEO 7364   Geocomputation

GEO 7418   Technical Foundation & Methods in GIScience

Fahmina Ibrahim, Ph.D. (In Progress)

Md Tousif Tanzir, Ph.D. (In Progress)

Ryan Bobo, M.A.G. (In Progress)

Eric Fotey, M.A.G. (In Progress)

Melissa Jurrens, M.A.G. (In Progress)

Timothy Szpakowski, M.A. (In Progress)

Nathan Pasley, M.S. (Fall 2022)

Abdullatif Alyaqout, Ph.D. (Spring 2021)

Joyce Chien, M.A.G. (Fall 2019)

Mayowa Lasode, M.A.G. (Summer 2019)

Han Lu, M.A.G. (Fall 2018)

Anna Essington, M.A.G. (Summer 2018)

Adbullatif Alyatqout, M.S. (Summer 2018)

Thomas Pesek, M.S. (Spring 2018)

Alex Martinez, M.A.G. (Summer 2017)

Nathaniel Dede-Bamfo, Ph.D. (Spring 2017)

Khila Dahal, Ph.D. (Spring 2014)

Victoria Stengel, M.S. (Spring 2014)

Sharmila Partab, M.A.G. (Fall 2013)

Richard Lee, M.A.G. (Fall 2013)

Joseph Nicosia, M.A.G. (Summer 2012)

Nicholas Ferri, M.A.G. (Spring 2012)

David Hickman, M.S. (Spring 2011)

Graduate Students
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© 2022 by T. Edwin Chow

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