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My research interests center on GIScience, including both GIS and remote sensing, and its application in modeling spatial phenomenon. I used to model physical phenomenon (e.g. hydrology, wildfire, etc.) in the past but am learning more about human phenomenon (e.g. population estimation, movement, etc.) as well. During my daydreaming, all spatial models utilize fused data in an open-source, open-standard GIS for analysis and communicate the result in real-time with the audience through distributed GIServices in a seamless fashion.

Selected Publications         [student author ^]

Szpakowski, D. M., J. L. R. Jensen, T. E. Chow and D. R. Butler, 2023, Assessing the use of burn ratios and red-edge spectral indices for detecting fire effects in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem, A study of the relationship between fire hazard and burn severity in Grand Teton National Park, USA, Forests. 14(7): 1508. 


Clark^, A. E., M. K. Lasode^, K. B. Asad^ and T. E. Chow, In Press, Site Assessment for New Fire Stations: A Case study in Austin, Texas, Southeastern Geographers.


Chow, T. E., J. Chien and K. Meitzen, 2023, Validating the Quality of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) for Flood Modeling of Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas, Hydrology. (10)5: 113.


Chow, T. E., P.S.F. Yip and K.-P. Wong, 2023, An integrated framework of mobile crowd estimation for the 2019, July 1st rally in Hong Kong, Multimedia Tools and Applications.


Dede-Bamfo, N.,  T. E. Chow, and C. Ekeanyanwu^, 2023, Local perspective on spatial accessibility to market in the Afram Plains, Ghana, International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research. 14(1): 322409.


Zhang, J., X. Wu^ and T. E. Chow, 2021, Space-time cluster's detection and geographical weighted regression analysis of COVID-19 mortality impacts on Texas counties, USA, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(11): 5541.


Szpakowski^, D. M., J. L. R. Jensen, D. R. Butler and T. E. Chow, 2021, A study of the relationship between fire hazard and burn severity in Grand Teton National Park, USA, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation. 98: 102305.


Suh, T., and Chow, T. E., 2021, Developing a digital marketing tool for ethnic ventures’ mixed business model and marketing-shaping: A design scientific approach of web demographics, Industrial Marketing Management.


Lasode^, M. K., T. E. Chow, R. R. Hagelman, R. D. Blanchard, O. O. Lasode, A. E. Iyanda, 2021, The impact of homelessness in social vulnerability assessment: A case study in Austin, TX, Social and Economic Geography. 6(1): 1-12. https://doi:10.12691/seg-6-1-1.


Chow, T. E., Y. Choi^, M. Yang^, D. Mills^, R. P. H. Yue, 2020, Geographic pattern of human mobility and COVID-19 before and after Hubei Lockdown, Annals of GIS.


Reygadas^, Y., J. L. R. Jensen, G. G. Moisen, N. Currit and T. E. Chow, 2020. Assessing the relationship between vegetation greenness and surface temperature through Granger causality and Impulse-Response coefficients: a case study in Mexico, International Journal of Remote Sensing. 41(10): 3761-3783.


Yuan, Y., Y. Qiang, K. Bin Asad^, and Chow, T. E., 2020. Point Pattern Analysis. The Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge (1st Quarter 2020 Edition), John P. Wilson (ed.). https://doi:10.22224/gistbok/2020.1.13 


Chow, T. E., M. Ng, D. W. S. Wong, and C. C. Chan^, 2019, Research challenges of historical GIS analysis: A case study of Hong Kong, GeoJournal


Yuan, Y., Y. Lu, T. E. Chow, C. Ye, A. Alyaqout^, Y. Liu, 2019, Social Media Enabled Smart Cities: Who, Where, When, and What? Special Issue of Annals of the American Association of Geographers (AAG).


Chow, T. E., 2019, A crowdsourcing-geocomputational framework of mobile crowd simulation and estimation, Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 46(1): 2-20. doi:10.1080/15230406.2018.1524314


Chow, T. E., 2019. Estimating the crowd size of a rally by crowdsourcing-geocomputation. In Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association, 1, 46,


Chow, T. E., and Yuan, Y., 2019. GIS APIs. The Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge (2nd Quarter 2019 Edition), John P. Wilson (Ed.). DOI: 10.22224/gistbok/2019.2.15.


Chow, T. E., and Martinez*, A., 2018, Site selection of offshore wind farms using fuzzy modeling: A case in Massachusetts, Northeastern Geographer. 10: 1-26.


Chow, T. E., 2018, A crowdsourcing-geocomputational framework of mobile crowd simulation and estimation, Cartography and Geographic Information Science.


Chow, T. E., R. T. Schuermann, A. H. H. Ngu and K. R. Dahal, 2018, Spatial mining of migration pattern from web demographics, International Journal of Geographic Information Science, 32(10): 1977-1998.


Chow, T. E., and B. Kar, 2017, “Challenges in Error/Accuracy Assessment for Fused Data - Remote Sensing and GIS”, Why Scale Still Matters: Applications That Advance GIScience and Remote Sensing. Edited by Quattrochi D., E. A. Wentz, N. Lam, and C. Emerson, (CRC Press), pp. 125-156.


Kar, B. and Chow, T. E., 2017, “Issues of and Techniques for Data Fusion and Multi-Scaling of Spatial Data”, Why Scale Still Matters: Applications That Advance GIScience and Remote Sensing. Edited by Quattrochi D., E. A. Wentz, N. Lam, and C. Emerson, (CRC Press), pp. 95-124.


Ng, M., T. E. Chow and D. W. S. Wong, 2016, Geographical Dimension of Colonial Justice: Using GIS in Research on Law and History, Law and History Review. 34(4): 1027-1045.


Chow, T. E., N. Dede-Bamfo, and K.R. Dahal, 2016, Geographic Disparity of Positional Errors and Matching Rate of Residential Addresses among Geocoding Solutions, Annals of GIS. 22(1):29-42.


Lee, R. J., and Chow, T. E., 2015, Post-wildfire assessment of vegetation regeneration in Bastrop, Texas using Landsat imagery, Geographic Information Science & Remote Sensing. 52(5): 609-626.


Dahal, K. R., and Chow, T. E., 2015, Characterization of the neighborhood sensitivity of irregular cellular automata model of urban growth, International Journal of Geographic Information Science. 29(3): 475-497.


Medel, M., Y. Lu and T. E. Chow, 2015, Mexico’s drug network: modeling the smuggling routes towards the United States, Applied Geography. 60: 240-247.


Dahal, K. R., and Chow, T. E., 2014, An Agent-Integrated Irregular Automata model of urban land use dynamics, International Journal of Geographic Information Science. 28(11): 2281-2303.


Dahal, K. R., and Chow, T. E., 2014, Parcel-Divider: a GIS toolset for automated partitioning of urban lands, Environmental Modeling and Software. 55: 222-234.


Chow, T. E., 2013. "We know who you are and we know where you live": A research agenda of web demographics, Crowdsourcing Geographic Knowledge. Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) in Theory and Practice. Edited by Sui D., S. Elmwood and M. Goodchild, (Springer). pp. 265-285. [PDF]


Hickman, D., and Chow, T. E., 2012, Development of a composite model of quality of life: a case study in Austin, Texas. Geographic Information Science and Remote Sensing. 49(6): 802-821.


Duarte, A., D. M. Wolcott, T. E. Chow, and M. A. Ricca, 2012, Identifying and prioritizing recovery sites for the endangered Aleutian shield fern, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 3(2): 303-310.


Tian, N., P. Goovaerts, F. B. Zhan, T. E. Chow, and J. G. Wilson, 2012. Identifying risk factors for disparities in breast cancer mortality among African American and Hispanic women, Women’s Health Issues. 22(3): 267-276.


Chow, T. E., Y. Lin, N.T. Huynh, and J. Davis, 2012. Using Web Demographics to Model Population Change of Vietnamese-Americans in Texas between 2000-2009, GeoJournal.77(1): 119-134.


Chow, T. E., 2011. "Geography 2.0 – A Mashup Perspective", Advances in Web-based GIS, Mapping Services and Applications. Vol. of ISPRS Book Series, edited by S.  Dragicevic and S. Li, (Taylor & Francis), pp. 15-36. [PDF]


Wan, N., F. B. Zhan, B. Zou and T. E. Chow, 2011. A relative spatial access assessment approach for analyzing potential spatial access to colorectal cancer services in Texas, Applied Geography. 32(2): 291-299.


Chow, T. E., Y. Lin, and W. D. Chan. 2011, The Development of a Web-based Demographic Data Extraction Tool for Population Monitoring, Transactions in GIS. 15(4): 479-494.


Slade, R. M. Jr., and Chow, T. E., 2011, Statistical relations of precipitation and stream runoff for El Niño and La Niña periods, Texas Hill Country, Texas Water Journal. 2(1): 1-22.


Chow, T. E., and Sadler, R., 2010. The consensus of local stakeholders and outside experts in suitability modeling for future camp development, Landscape and Urban Planning, 94:9-19.


Chow, T. E., and Hodgson, M.E., 2009. Effects of Lidar post-spacing and DEM resolution to mean slope estimation, International Journal of Geographic Information Science. 23(10):1277-1295.


Chow, T. E., 2008. The potential of Maps APIs for Internet GIS, Transactions in GIS. 12(2): 179-191.


Chow, T. E., K.F. Gaines, M.E. Hodgson, and M.A. Wilson, 2005. Habitat and Exposure Modeling of Raccoon for Ecological Risk Assessment: A Case Study in Savannah River Site, Ecological Modelling. 189: 151-167.  

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