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Recent News Articles

T. Edwin Chow

Updated: Feb 13, 2020

Besides peer-reviewed articles, I have spent a lot of time communicating my research outcomes and conducting community outreach by submitting news columns to local newspapers in Hong Kong. Since the first publication in a local newspaper in 2016, I have published 10 articles so far in local and online media outlets. The media coverage has helped connecting the academic research with community interests and concerns, and in return the attention from media locally in Hong Kong has also gained traction around the world, which has been beneficial to advance further in my research agenda, student recruitment and university marketing. To date, there have been 16 media coverage about my collaborative work from media in HK and around the world.

Here're the ones I published on the Stand News:

Here're some representative samples:

Media Coverage:

MingPao News, July 2 2019, 人眼加AI點算 七一遊行錄26.5萬人 約民陣數字一半 多警方數字四成 (translated title: The manual and AI approach counted the July 1st Rally with 265k, about half of the organizer and more than 40% than the police figure,

HK01 News, July 1 2019, 學者邀市民「自己遊行自己數」 以AI技術計算人次 (translated title: Scholars launched a citizen-science project “I Go There I Count” with AI technology to count rally),

MingPao News, June 30 2019, 特稿:港大得州大學學者 與科技公司合作 人眼AI相輔 七一遊行科學點人數 (translated title: Scholars from Hong Kong University and Texas State University collaborated with a tech company to conduct July 1st Rally scientifically with manual and AI approaches),

Please refer to the complete list in my CV for details.

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